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A number of locations across the country have already put new paid sick leave policies and sick leave policies related to COVID-19 into effect. Additional policies are set to begin in 2021. Employers conducting business in these locales will need to both be aware of these changes and update their leave policies to ensure compliance.
California and New York are among those that have expanded their paid sick leave benefits. A brief summary of the changes in both states are included below.
This trend extends beyond two of the most populous states—we have also seen updated sick leave legislation in smaller states, such as Maine, and among specific municipalities looking to establish their own requirements. New York City, Philadelphia and others across the country are currently looking to enact policies that would provide a greater level of benefit than any federal or state legislation.
It is imperative that employers who conduct business in any of these locales monitor the changing landscape and update their leave policies to ensure compliance. Resources are available for further information on state and local laws.