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Caution: Heavy Fog—Key Themes to Watch This Year

Individuals 03.23.2023 8 MIN

To say 2022 was a tumultuous year is an understatement. The Investment Strategy Group (Asset & Wealth Management at Goldman Sachs) expects this year to be less turbulent for markets, with inflation moderating and major central banks approaching the end of their tightening cycles. Yet there is still a fog of uncertainty facing investors.

Watch these videos to hear what ISG thinks regarding the probability of a U.S. recession this year, the benefits of a 60/40 portfolio and why they’re telling clients to stay invested.

If these videos spark any questions about your personal situation, connect with your Goldman Sachs advisor. Don’t have a Goldman Sachs advisor? Contact us to start a conversation.









For more of ISG’s view on the global economic and financial markets, read their 2023 Outlook, Caution: Heavy Fog